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The Coming Break Up of America - Part II

Article by Frosty Wooldridge

July 9, 2004

Thomas W. Chittum, author of, “Civil War Two: The Coming Breakup of America,” brings concrete historical evidence to the impending conflicts in America. By looking around, you, the average American, can see this nightmare building.

If you’re not living in California, Arizona, Colorado, Texas, Miami, Florida, Georgia, New York, Detroit, Michigan, Chicago, Illinoisyou might not see itbut it’s coming and it’s coming fast.

Chittum states, “Street gangs will doubtless form the core of future black and Hispanic urban militiasconsider the followingthey are well financed by drug tradethey are ethnically orientedare heavily armedorganized and nd disciplinedand numerous beyond belief.”

That statement is born out by latest statistics whereby 29 percent of our state and federal prisons are filled with legal and illegal immigrants. Former Attorney General Janet Reno put gang member totals on our streets at 500,000. Chittum states, “Their leadership is composed of courageous, industrious and intelligent men because promotion is based on leadership, business acumen and application of ruthless violence.”

When you look at the massive drug trade infecting this country, it’s evident. “These urban gangs are evolving into serious armies, armies hostile to the established government.” It’s why 800,000 Californians fled their state last year. In Miami, American citizens fled north. Detroit is fast becoming Arabic exclusively. Fremont, California IS exclusively Middle Eastern in population. Los Angeles is no longer an American city.

As their numbers grow, police can’t touch them because of “Special Order 40” which gives them immunity from arrest and deportation. Such Governors as Baldacci in Maine and Arizona’s governor directly break immigration laws by passing ordinances encouraging more illegal aliens and giving them sanctuary. The governor of Minnesota openly encourages massive illegal alien importation. He’s pushed by meatpacking plant owners who openly hire illegal aliens. Austin, Minnesota suffers from over 3,000 illegal aliens working in the meatpacking plants. Citizens are left without jobs while a few people make millions at the top. Governor Bill Owens of Colorado does nothing to stop illegals in his state. Will Toor, Mayor of Boulder, Colorado openly encourages illegal aliens with sanctuary laws in his city. Eight women were raped last summer by illegals, but Toor continues supporting their presence in the city with jobs and housing. Immigration lawyers in Boulder brazenly present classes on how to avoid arrest and deportation for illegals. It’s astounding our own civic leaders aid, assist and abet this invasion against federal law.

How lethal are these gangs? In Newsweek, from a Johnstown, Pennsylvania, U.S. Justice Department “Street Gang Symposium” in November 1994: “Some gangs have access to highly sophisticated personal weapons such as grenades, machine guns, rocket launchers and military explosives.”

“When civil authority breaks down in America,” Chittum states, “our criminal gangs will fill the power vacuum, just exactly as has been the pattern in Third World countries.”

Chittum quotes another dictator who succeeded: “A revolution is not a bed of roses,” said Fidel Castro. “A revolution is a struggle to the death between the future and the past.”

With 9.2 Mexican now living on U.S. soil, a dozen cities sporting 51 percent foreign born immigrants, over three million Middle Eastern immigrants enclaving against American values“Houston, we’ve got a problem.” One of the aspects of the disintegration of Rome stemmed from its importation of Vandals that neither cared about Rome nor gave allegiance. In the end, they ‘enclaved’ more of their own until they became more powerful, by sheer numbers, than Romans. The cult of ‘diversity’ and ‘multiculturalism’ being jammed down Americans’ throats by both parties is an example of self-induced national suicidejust like the Romans.

In a recent speech, former Colorado Governor Lamm said, “My sixth point for America’s downfall would be to include dual citizenship and promote divided loyalties. I would celebrate diversity over unity. I would stress differences rather than similarities. Diverse people worldwide are mostly engaged in hating each otherthat is when they are not killing each other.”

Chittum writes about economic collapse. He talks about how our own Congress ramrods two million immigrants down our throats annually while outsourcing, insourcing and offshoring jobs to other countries. How can we ever maintain a decent standard of living by adding 2.3 million people annually into the USA? Doesn’t anyone ‘get it’ that the reason they are running out of Mexico and China stems from the fact that they can’t feed, work, educate or clothe their own populations that explode out of control? Why create the same crisis here?

This year, American Flyer, the little red wagon that we all pulled in our childhoods-- offshored its production to China. But thousands of companies are moving production out of our countryleaving our people in unemployment lines. It’s a lose-lose situation for U.S. citizens.

Chittum talks about Phases of Civil War II:
1. Tribalization, or the undermining of the concept of citizenship;
2. The creeping loss of democracy to private, governmental institutions and international bodies;
3. Gradually falling wages;
4. The slow decay of infrastructure in our cities and the abandonment by Americans and their replacement by minorities wedded to welfare and affirmative action;
5. Growing legal and illegal immigration to transform America into a typical Third World country;
6. Massive drive for gun control to cripple military potential from the working class;
7. Cooperation of the mass media to dumb down the population.

Near the end of the book he makes projections that you can see happening right now:
1.Shrinking hourly wage;
2. More immigrants than Americans;
3. Foreigners hold most Federal Debt;
4. Twenty million Third World slums on our borders known as ‘colonias;’
5. Manufacturing jobs moved out of the USA making it impossible for us to make or sell anything to the world;
6. Republican and Democratic politicians refusing to deal with the immigration crisis. Worse,
both parties aid and abet it;
7. Growing power of advocates of Aztlan or the reconquest of California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas by Mexico.

I must tell you fellow American this fact. Our country is in deep trouble and worsening fast. I spent two weeks on the border this spring from El Paso to San Diego. Immigrants successfully pour over our borders at 2,000 to 3,000 per day. Upwards of one million annually. I saw them loading up in busses. I saw them squashed 30 to a van. I saw them crawling through the desert bush with my night vision scope. I interviewed Border Patrol officers who are hamstrung by Congress. The illegals they catch, they release on the border only to try again until they succeed. I saw the safe houses. I saw the lay-up areas. I saw the millions of pounds of trash left in the desert. I saw the invasion first hand.

What can you do? Democracy is not a spectator sport. YOU need to start acting, writing, calling, pushing, shoving and screaming at your mayors, radio stations, newspapers and reps that you’re tired of this invasion. Demand a 10-year moratorium for all immigration, NOW! Demand troops on the border. Demand English as our only language. Demand no benefits for illegal aliens. Demand S. 2671 the Clear Act be passed. Demand HR 946 is passed to shut down legal immigration to fewer than 300,000 per year. Demand no amnesties for illegals. Demand deportations begin. Demand the rule of law be followed and employers of illegals be arrested. Write me for action plans of what to do. Every letter will be answered.

Will Chittum’s book prove prophetic? Will Rome’s history become our history? It all depends on you.